Your recommendation

Leasing and loan finance DPS

We think you should use the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework.

What it offers

The Leasing and loan finance dynamic purchasing system (DPS) provides access to funding for the acquisition of an asset through a choice of financing options, including hire purchase, operating lease, sales and leaseback and secured loans.


  • this DPS provides access to a range of lenders who can provide funding to acquire a new asset
  • option to access the DPS directly, or utilise the leasing advisory services framework for support
  • bespoke terms and conditions simplify the legal construct and ensures suppliers are pricing using the same standard terms

All frameworks also offer:

  • compliance with the relevant procurement regulations
  • suppliers pre-checked by the approved framework provider
  • pre-agreed terms and conditions
Visit the CCS website
If this framework agreement does not match your needs, or you need advice during your procurement, get free help and support from the Get help buying for schools service.