Your recommendation

Utilities supplies and services

We think you should use the Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC) framework.

What it offers

This comprehensive framework provides access to expert consultants for both energy procurement and sustainability services. Lot 1 covers professional guidance on gas, electricity and water procurement, including market monitoring and contract negotiations. Lot 2 delivers sustainability services including carbon reporting, decarbonisation strategies and energy efficiency solutions.


  • quick and compliant procurement with expert support and pre-vetted suppliers
  • save money through competitive rates and bill validation services
  • free guidance on energy management and sustainability, plus social value benefits for SEND and wellbeing

All frameworks also offer:

  • compliance with the relevant procurement regulations
  • suppliers pre-checked by the approved framework provider
  • pre-agreed terms and conditions
Visit the CPC website
If this framework agreement does not match your needs, or you need advice during your procurement, get free help and support from the Get help buying for schools service.