DfE approved

All frameworks

This is a list of all DfE approved framework agreements. Use one to ensure your procurement is compliant.

We'll continue to review and update this list.

If you need to narrow down your options, you can use the find a framework tool.

If you cannot find a framework agreement that matches your needs, or you need advice during your procurement, get free help and support from the Get help buying for schools service.

Catering goods and supplies

Commercial catering equipment

Supporting education establishments with a route to purchase or hire a large range of commercial catering equipment and associated goods and services, including catering equipment, maintenance response services and kitchen design services.

Expires: 31/03/2026

Food and drink - dynamic purchasing system (DPS)

This DPS offers a wide range of food and drink products via a single supplier or multiple suppliers based on your budget and need. Suitable for schools who wish to procure a new food contract and who wish to thoroughly compare suppliers via a mini-competition.

Expires: 05/01/2027

Food and drink - framework

This framework offers quick and cost-effective procurement of food and drink products, offering pre-approved suppliers who meet rigorous quality standards across various categories. Suitable for schools who wish to procure a new food contract and who are looking for a faster turnaround with a simplified process.

Expires: 26/10/2026

Grocery, fresh, chilled and frozen foods

Supporting education establishments with a simple and competitive route to buy goods for their in-house catering service.

Expires: 31/07/2025

Sandwiches and food to go

A framework that offers educational establishments access to a range of sandwiches, filled rolls and baps, bagels and wraps, and food-to-go products including hot and cold eats, from a range of suppliers who hold relevant and in-date third party food safety accreditation certificates.

Expires: 30/06/2026

Consultancy services

Specialist professional services

Specifically designed for the procurement of specialist professional services by the public sector covering a range of spend areas, including facilities management, catering, construction, environment, sustainability, waste, ICT and education consultancy. Extensive experience within the local authority and school sector.

Expires: 30/11/2027

Energy and utilities

Debt resolution services

Supporting education establishments with access to specialist contract compliance reviews which will help to identify, report and recover utility spend that has been overpaid, overcharged or made in error.

Expires: 13/12/2025

Education decarbonisation

A framework that offers schools a simple and compliant route to market to access sector-specific decarbonisation experts, safe in the knowledge that a robust tender exercise has taken place to award the framework.

Expires: 30/04/2028

Electricity (for supply during 2020 - 2028)

A framework offering customers a quick, simple and competitive route to the supply of electricity.

Expires: 30/09/2028

Energy cost recovery services

Sourced by the DfE on behalf of schools and trusts, this service provides access to extensive energy bill audit and cost recovery services.

Expires: 31/05/2026

Fixed and flexible electricity

A framework that offers a range of purchasing strategies that best fit with your organisations electricity energy requirements and budget.

Expires: 30/09/2028

Fixed and flexible gas

A framework that offers a range of purchasing strategies that best fit with your organisations gas energy requirements and budget.

Expires: 30/09/2028

Flexible electricity

Supporting education establishments with a framework that covers the supply of electricity on a flexible basis and the provision of associated services.

Expires: 31/03/2028

Flexible gas

Supporting education establishments with a framework that covers the supply of gas on a flexible basis and the provision of associated services.

Expires: 31/03/2026

Liquid fuels

A framework offering customers a quick, simple and competitive route to buying liquid fuels, encompassing both automotive fuels and heating oils.

Expires: 17/08/2026

Liquid fuels

This framework supports education establishments with provision of gas oil, kerosene, road fuels including unleaded petrol and diesel, alternative fuel sources and ancillary services.

Expires: 31/10/2025

Liquified petroleum gas and other liquified fuels

A framework offering customers a quick, simple, and competitive route to purchasing liquified petroleum gas, propane and butane, in both cylinder and bulk tank delivery form.

Expires: 21/10/2025

Mains gas 2023

A framework offering customers a quick, simple and competitive route to the supply of mains gas.

Expires: 31/03/2027

Supply of energy 2

Supporting education establishments with supply of electricity and gas, including billing, administration, customer service and where required, ancillary services.

Expires: 20/02/2027

Supply of mains gas 986

A framework agreement for the supply of mains gas, that offers a choice of either fully fixed, fixed or flexible pricing along with additional support and associated services. Schools also have access to a range of net zero support including green gas.

Expires: 31/03/2025

Utilities supplies and services

This framework provides access to expert support for all your school's energy needs, offering everything from utility procurement and bill validation to sustainability planning, carbon reduction and delivers social value benefits for education.

Expires: 20/10/2026

Energy efficiency

LED lighting

Supporting education establishments with the supply and installation for LED lighting, fixtures and fittings which can be procured separately or provided as a supply and installation managed service.

Expires: 31/05/2025

Facilities management and estates

Air cleaning units for education and childcare settings

Suppliers of HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filtration air cleaning units that meet a suitable standard of specification for use in education settings.

Expires: 26/07/2025

Building cleaning

Supporting education establishments with a compliant route for the provision of building cleaning services.

Expires: 29/05/2026

Building in use - support services

A framework providing catering, cleaning and caretaking, security and reception, CCTV (inclusive of remote monitoring), car park management, mobile patrols and key holding, food hygiene inspection, waste management. There's also a 'whole house' option to accommodate all or several of these. This is a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) open to, and suitable for both national and regional suppliers throughout its entire duration.

Expires: 31/07/2025

Catering services

Supporting education establishments with the provision of outsourced catering services, offering flexible catering provisions and a range of service models. It also covers ‘holiday food programmes’ for those looking to provide meals meeting the School Meal Standards during holiday periods.

Expires: 31/08/2026

Catering services

Supporting education establishments with the provision of outsourced catering services, with the flexibility to respond to changes in the market.

Expires: 31/08/2026

Cleaning services

Supporting education establishments with the provision of outsourced cleaning services.

Expires: 30/07/2025

Estates and facilities professional services

A dynamic purchasing system (DPS) that supplies estates and facilities consultancy services to educational establishments and supports members in delivering a wide range of works projects and programmes including, but not limited to new builds, refurbishments and maintenance.

Expires: 07/01/2028

Facilities management and workplace services

Supporting schools and trusts with buying a range of facilities management and workplace services. It provides a comprehensive set of templates to help schools build their tender pack. The DPS features a filter system that lets buyers input their requirements to get a shortlist of matching suppliers, who are then invited to tender using an e-sourcing tool. This can be CCS’s tool (Jaggaer) or what the buyer chooses.

Expires: 13/12/2026

Internal fit-out and maintenance

Supporting education establishments with the provision of building services once a building is constructed to enable on-going maintenance, extension and refurbishment for schools. This framework is suitable for smaller ad-hoc service requirements and also for a more long-term service project.

Expires: 24/03/2026

Outsourced catering services

Supporting education establishments with a compliant route for the provision of outsourced catering services.

Expires: 25/09/2026

Synthetic sports facilities

Supporting education establishments with alternatives to traditional grass sports fields. Covers the construction, installation, refurbishment, servicing and maintenance for all external sports facilities.

Expires: 16/02/2026


Audit and financial services

Supporting education establishments with a wide range of internal and external audit services, including financial health assessments, verification of financial accounts, and statements of corporate governance.

Expires: 04/12/2027

Leasing and loan finance

The Leasing and loan finance dynamic purchasing system (DPS) supports education establishments with access to funding for the acquisition of an asset through a choice of financing options, including hire purchase, operating lease, sales and leaseback and secured loans.

Expires: 30/09/2025

Risk protection arrangement – alternative to commercial insurance

An alternative to commercial insurance, underwritten by the government. Opt in immediately or up to 12 months in advance.

Expires: 31/12/2050

Staff absence protection and reimbursement

Supporting education establishments with a simple and compliant way to buy staff absence insurance and reimbursement policies. Offering a solution to any staff absence requirement ensuring you are financially supported when staff sickness or absence occurs.

Expires: 23/05/2025


Communications solutions

A framework to deliver communication solutions including telecommunications and associated communication supplies, services and solutions.

Expires: 15/12/2026

Communications solutions and associated telephony services

Supporting education establishments with the provision and installation of a full range of communications solutions, associated services, equipment, support and maintenance. Equipment under this framework may be provided as a direct purchase or via a lease agreement.

Expires: 01/06/2026

Corporate software and related products and services

Supporting education establishments with corporate software and related products.

Expires: 31/08/2026

Cyber security services 3

Supporting education establishments with access to a wide range of cyber security products including consultancy advice, penetration testing, incident management and data destruction that have been accredited by the National Cyber Security Centre.

Expires: 14/02/2027

Education management systems

Supporting education establishments with the provision and installation of a full range of Education Management Systems tools required for the collection and management of data, efficient reporting and a means to communicate effectively to all stakeholders with access anytime, anywhere.

Expires: 30/06/2025

Everything ICT

Supporting education establishments to buy the right ICT including hardware, software, connectivity, infrastructure and cloud services.

Expires: 14/07/2026

G-Cloud 14

Supporting educational establishments to buy cloud-based computing services, including hosting, software and pay-as-you-go cloud solutions from an online catalogue.

Expires: 28/04/2026

ICT networking and storage solutions

Designed for the education sector, this framework offers on-premise IT and network infrastructure solutions, cloud and hybrid cloud solutions and consultancy services where a solution is yet to be defined.

Expires: 30/04/2025

IT Hardware

Supporting education establishments with a full range of IT hardware including new, refurbished, and remanufactured. It also includes repair, disposal and associated services including support and maintenance.

Expires: 31/08/2025

Multi-functional devices and digital solutions

Supporting education establishments with the provision of multi-functional devices and digital solutions – both networked and stand-alone. Digital software solutions to help control, manage and measure the print environment trends and costs.

Expires: 21/04/2025

Multifunctional devices and digital transformation solutions

Supporting education establishments with a straightforward way to buy or lease branded machines and technologies from small desktop units to high volume devices which print, scan and copy.

Expires: 25/04/2025

Multifunctional devices, print and digital workflow software services and managed print service provision

Supporting educational establishments with the provision of multifunctional devices, managed print services, technical resources, digital workflows, cloud solutions for digital transition, and print consultancy services.

Expires: 12/09/2025

Outsourced ICT

Providing education establishments with a route to market for outsourcing managed ICT services.

Expires: 06/06/2025

Software licenses and associated services for academies and schools

Supporting academies and schools with the supply and services for software.

Expires: 08/08/2026

Technology products & associated services 2

Supporting education establishments with access to technology products, software and services, including but not limited to; end user devices such as laptops and tablets, technology infrastructure such as servers and services including installation and logistics support.

Expires: 09/10/2027

Legal services

This framework has been developed for the education sector to provide a comprehensive set of services, this includes: converting to an academy, HR and employment law, property and land law, commercial related matters, dispute resolution and litigation and legal services for education.

Expires: 31/05/2025

Musical instruments, equipment and technology

Musical instruments, equipment and technology framework

A DfE framework that offers educational settings a structured way to purchase musical instruments, equipment and technology.

Expires: 07/10/2027

Office and education supplies

Print books framework

Designed primarily for use by local authorities or school library services, this framework offers an extensive list of print books including children’s fiction, school curriculum, revision guides, and reference books.

Expires: 31/10/2026

Stationery, paper and education supplies

Framework agreement that provides comprehensive access to a range of stationery, paper, and education supplies including office equipment through multiple suppliers.

Expires: 31/08/2025

Recruitment, HR and training

HR, payroll and employee screening services

Supporting education establishments with access to a range of HR, payroll, employee screening services and DBS and criminal record checks.

Expires: 20/11/2026

National professional qualification

Supporting education establishments with access to quality assured national professional qualifications training and support for school teachers and leaders.

Expires: 29/03/2025

Supply teachers and temporary staffing (STaTS)

Suppliers available for hiring of all temporary and fixed term teaching and non-teaching staff for schools, colleges or other educational establishments within the public sector such as an academy, trust, nursery, pupil referral unit, children centre or further education institution, across the UK. Independent schools (for-profit) are not able to access the deal.

Expires: 04/07/2026

Temporary and permanent staffing

Supporting education establishments with access to recruitment agencies for the provision of acquiring temporary and permanent staffing.

Expires: 17/07/2026

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